


MHF’s date rewinding

MHF's No.3 server was down...I had done a lot of things , but all data was rewinded... (めんどい、もともと訳すつもりなかった、もうあきらめ) サーバーあああああ!昨日やったこと ・hr69→71 ・ヴァシムの尻尾きり2回ぐらい ここまでは涙を呑もう。 …

feline groove spring

I was delivered the CD what I ordered. And I listened this CD's music. The CD is "feline groove ~spring~" what is composed by cranky and MORRIGAN. "Crocus" is very nice music. "LAPPISCH" is also good music. CD's theme is "spring" , and I f…